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Hi, I'm Phoebe

I myself have very "quirky" dogs and know the feelings of embarrassment and guilt that can come along with it. Here at Quirky Companions, we aim to provide a judgment-free area in which we can work with owners to help them and their quirky pets, with issues including:


  • Noise phobias

  • Reactiveness to people, dogs, bicycles, cars

  • Repetitive behaviours

  • Separation-related issues

  • Fears

  • Destructiveness

  • Aggressive behaviour







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We use science-led and non-punitive training methods, aiming to provide training and behaviour modification in a compassionate manner. 


Animal Behaviour and Welfare BSc- University of Lincoln

Clinical Animal Behaviour MSc (in progress)     University of Lincoln

Career Progression Development (CPD)

Research Bites with Dogs Trust: A focus on Canine Behaviour Problems, Training and Exercise

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